This romantic thriller web series is directed by Sashant Shah and produced by Zee Entertainment Enterprises. The chemistry between Ravi Dubey and Nia Sharma in the series was appreciated by the audience.

The drama revolves the story about Siddharth, played by Ravi Dubey, seeking revenge from Roshni’s mother Durga Devi, played by Achint Kaur. The role of Roshni has been nailed by Nia Sharma. Durga Devi, called DD, owns a chain of nightclubs in the city and Roshni has no good talks due to estrangement with her dead father.

Goswami, played by Sanjay Swaraj, uses Roshni to take revenge for her mother for trapping him in a fraud case and ejecting him from their gambling business. And then enters the handsome Siddharth. He works as a stand-up artist and has a big axe to grind with DD. For him, life is a game of chess!

Watch all the episodes of Jamai 2.0 on ZEE5. Was the spin-off of Jamai Raja appreciable? Let us know in the comments box below