Narcos: is a captivating American crime drama TV series that revolves around the true story of Pablo Escobar, a drug lord who made billions through cocaine production and distribution. The show is set and filmed in Colombia and spans three seasons, filled with intense drama and action. Pablo’s rise to power and his ruthless tactics in dealing with authorities make “Narcos” a must-watch show that will leave you mesmerized for hours. It has received high ratings and positive reviews, making it one of the best crime series.
Fauda: is an Israeli TV show that follows the story of Doron, a commander in the Mista’arvim unit, and his team as they pursue a Hamas arch-terrorist known as “The Panther.” Doron is called back to service when he discovers that an enemy he thought was killed is alive and planning to attend his brother’s wedding. He rejoins the team as an undercover agent, but their cover is blown, leading to a chaotic chain of events. The IDF is forced to embark on a search to locate and eliminate the squad’s target. Fauda has received excellent reviews and ratings, making it a must-watch series.
Breaking Bad: The television series “Breaking Bad” is an American neo-Western crime drama that spans five seasons and 62 episodes. It follows the story of Walter White, a chemistry teacher who makes meth to pay for his medical bills after his cancer diagnosis. His priorities shift when he partners with Jesse. “Breaking Bad” is considered one of the best TV shows ever made, with a large audience and rave reviews. With the ongoing lockdown, crime dramas like this are a great way to pass the time.
Do you have a favorite among these three? Let us know.