Mithila Palkar is popular for roles in web series such as Girl In The City and the famous Netflix web series, Little Things. The 24-year-old is one of India’s few YouTube discoveries whose career is expanding beyond the internet. From Meera Sehgal for the Girl In The City series, or Kavya in Dice Media’s Little Things, Palkar’s lightheartedness on-screen is arresting hearts. Mithila nailed her acting debut in a short Marathi film, Honeymoon, in 2014. She made her Bollywood debut in Katti Batti. She also acted in advertisements for Maggi, Tata Tea, and Zomato. Her song, Maharashtra Desha, in association with Bhartiya Digital Party gave her fame.
Fans are often thrilled to find that their favourite characters are possibly the actors that portray them. Her natural acting has left the audience in awe. The seemingly seamless confluence between her on and off-screen personality plays a vital role in her massive social media fan following. She is also a fashionista, a style icon for the youth.
Don’t you think she is the perfect suit for the big screen? Let us know in the comments section below.
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