Sensational fashion influencer Urfi Javed has once again managed to turn heads with her out-of-the-box experimenting looks. Known for her penchant for the extraordinary, Urfi stunned her followers with her new avatar as she hid her upper body with French sweet bread Croissant.
Urfi Javed’s Croissant Bralette Style In Latest Picture
Taking to her Instagram profile, Urfi shared the picture with a caption, “I have muffin to say,” as she waved the French sweet bread into her bralette, hiding her upper body. She paired her bizarre styled with black denim pants. At the same time, her sleek colored hair bun, winged eyeliner, and glossy lips rounded off her overall glam.
Urfi posed, flaunting her new avatar with her boldness. She has always done sometime beyond the imagination, and this is just another example. However, her croissant bralette look has set sirens again, and users couldn’t control to share their opinion.
The best friend of Bollywood beauties, Orhan Awatramani, commented, “She croiss-ATE & left no crumbs. Period 🥐.”
A user wrote, “Those croissants are the yummiest one I bet 😍😍😍🔥🔥.”
The second one said, “Sorry to say but aapka yeh fashion kuch samajh nhi aya😑.”
“I love Croissant 🥐 but not anymore 🙂,” the third commented.
What do you have to say about Urfi Javed’s new look? Let us know in the comments section.