Web actor Priyank Sharma, known for his acting in Laal Ishq and The Holiday, is gaining a huge fan following for his looks and body. He also got a high for his acting in Puncch Beat that streamed on ALT Balaji from 14th February 2019. He is a heartthrob who has made teenage girls swoon over him. He has more than 3.2 million followers on Instagram and he is no doubt a fashion icon for the youth.
The Splitsvilla hottie is not only an actor but also a choreographer, with hot dance moves and attractive physique. He is a great bellwether for the boys to have a hot body and cool attitude at the same time. He is also such a cutie pie for his dimples, and his smile makes everyone happy.
You just can’t ignore this chocolate boy with a very impactful personality. This multi-talented handsome hunk is perfect for the entertainment industry and deserves more attention.
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