There are videos of lovely infants online, and people find children most appealing. You will be awed by this well-known video if you appreciate spending time with kids. You appropriately read it. This lovely little munchkin is now well-known online, thanks to a recent video. Some of the most adorable baby movies ever made are available at these links.

Parents employ various techniques to make their kids laugh and giggle. These activities include bouncing children on the lap and riding them like horses. And in India, parents commonly carry their young children on their shoulders. This fosters in children a lovely perspective and a sense of attachment.

It may be quite difficult to feed small children wholesome meals. So they devise several justifications for not wanting to eat the roti-sabzi or the rice and daal. Parents frequently try to bribe their children and make promises, but nothing works if their child is a picky eater. But it appears that a little junk can convince them. Social media is flooded with an adorable video of a toddler making faces at the roti-sabzi and dal chawal.

Check Out The Video Here –

View Instagram Post 1: Viral Video: Toddler Chooses To Eat Cake Over Dal Chawal, Mesmerizes The Internet

The toddler’s mother asks him what he wants for supper in the brief video posted on Instagram. The young child was offered the choice between daal chawal and roti sabzi. None of the choices piqued the little child’s interest. You’ll be astounded by his answer. He says, “No, thank you,” as soon as he hears the menu. Then, he reiterates the word “No” once more. When his mother asked him what he would want to eat without the home-cooked cuisine, he said he would enjoy cake. She said that he had eaten cake twice already. However, the young child is adamant about having it again and makes the deal between them. The video is captioned, “Sharing it only for NO THANK YOU.”

A user with the Instagram account tintinkabacha published the video. The account displays amusing exchanges between the mother-son team and has amassed over 183K followers and over 13.8 million views.

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