One of the greatest natural risks to surfers, sailors, and beachgoers is shark attacks. One of the main dangers to people’s lives in coastal locations, particularly in tourist destinations, is attacks by apex predators. Numerous shark specialists and photographers have taken amazing pictures of the animals attacking their prey or showing their jaws above or below the sea over the years.

Numerous amateur footage posted on social media demonstrates how lethal and unexpected shark attacks can be in addition to professional photographs.

This documentary video was shot by @ joedouglas near a circle of sharks when one of them became inquisitive about the equipment and went over to it, according to Deepscary, who uploaded it on Instagram on April 5. The shark bit down on the camera for 27 seconds before taking us on an unexpected adventure. The camera was pulled up right away when the shark approached and tried to consume it.

Once outside of its jaw’s boundaries, the bizarre sight reveals a smooth, ridged interior. But the shark only got as far before realizing it wasn’t food and spitting it out. This brief yet amazing film was all that was left for the filmmaker.