Animesh Agarwal, better known in the gaming community as 8bit Thug, is ready to embark on a new chapter in his life. The founder of the 8bit esports team is set to tie the knot with his longtime partner, Ruby on Sunday, 19th January 2025 as per information from the IWMBuzz editorial desk. Staying true to his roots, the wedding will take place in his hometown of Guwahati, Assam.
Agarwal is a prominent figure in the Indian gaming scene and is known for his contributions to esports and content creation. He first gained recognition in 2018 as a professional PUBG Mobile player, where he showcased his skills on an international platform. Agarwal represented India at the PUBG Mobile Star Challenge (PMSC) Asia Finals in 2018, an event that significantly influenced his career. During the tournament, he had the opportunity to interact with industry leaders like Brendan Greene, the creator of PUBG, and Jay Kim, who headed localization efforts at Krafton. These conversations gave him valuable insights into the gaming and esports ecosystem.
Following his international stint, Agarwal shifted his focus to content creation and community building. He started streaming on YouTube, where he played PUBG Mobile, now rebranded as BGMI. He also organized online tournaments, fostering a competitive spirit among players and contributing to the growth of esports in India.
As one of the early trailblazers in Indian esports, Agarwal has left an indelible mark on the gaming industry. As he prepares to begin a new phase in his personal life, his fans and followers eagerly await updates on this joyous occasion.