Overall games are gaining tremendous popularity and Call Of Duty and PUBG are considered among the best in the recent games category. PUBG and Call Of Duty are two such mobile games that give you a blend of intense combat, with different types of modes of gameplay that are amazing. These two mobile multiplayer battle royale games have been able to capture the mobile gaming industry and are played by millions daily. However, there may be a different opinion about which is better, PUBG or Call of Duty. As both games are popular among all, just we compare their different features and try to know which game is much preferable.


Both games allow their player to take a drop from a plane and gear up before going to the battlefield. Both games have a similar goal, that is, to be the last one standing. Pubg is traditionally battle royale games, with familiar features everyone can pick up quickly whereas call of duty has many more advanced aspects which are different from PUBG. You can upgrade classes in games. Additionally, there are automatic customisable call outs in the game between you, your teammates and nearby enemies, providing a more immersive experience.


In Incall of duty, the gameplay is not as smooth as in the third person mode compared to PUBG. If you’re to look at it from a player perspective, it seems PUBG is far better.


This weapon physics is different in both games. Contrary to other battle royale games that have non-realistic weapon mechanics, this game excels in this particular aspect. In PUBG you can easily shot from a distance while in call of duty that is not always the case.


The maps of PUBG are unique, refreshing, and large enough whereas call of duty has only one map in the battle royale mode. In this game, players might get bored.


PUBG is a much slower-paced game than the call of duty. In this game after starting the game, there will be a significant period where you won’t get that much action. On the other hand call of duties has unique classes, new vehicles and a superior arcade feeling to the game.