Our ranking of the top anime games includes the occasional adaptation of a well-known anime or manga series, such as Dragon Ball, but it focuses primarily on games that are unmistakably influenced by anime, whether in terms of their art style, narrative, characters, gameplay, or all of the above. In essence, we want to make sure that if you like anime, you can find something on our list that you like in many of the same ways.
As a result, no matter what kind of anime you enjoy watching, there’s sure to be something for you among the top games based on anime, ranging from the competitive to the epic and adventurous to the cute but secretly horrible (*cough* number 10 *cough*). Without further ado, check out what the GamesRadar team of anime fans chose for their list of the top anime games.
1.Doki Doki Literature Club
If Doki Doki Literature Club is completely new to you, you probably have a lot of inquiries. We can assure you that Doki Doki Literature Club isn’t anything like what you might assume it to be based just on its name.
2. Dragon Ball FighterZ
Dragon Ball FighterZ gives you the thrilling, almost cathartic sensation of taking control of the strongest characters from the Dragon Ball universe and avenging any of their numerous enemies.
3. Tales of Berseria
Tales of Berseria is a conventional JRPG with a strong anime influence that more than meets your needs. Although not wholly novel, the fighting is difficult enough to keep players interested for the duration of the roughly 60-hour campaign, but the truly compelling plot steals the show.
4. Astral Chain
Astral Chain will be just up your alley if the anime you prefer is of the stylized, international, and awe-inspiring variety. Additionally, if you are even remotely familiar with PlatinumGames’ other IPs, such as Bayonetta and Nier: Automata, you already have a good understanding of the tone of Astral Chain.