The Clash Royale League, or CRL, is the official esports competition for Clash Royale. It takes place every year in the second half of the year and culminates in the World Finals in early December. Players engage in Clash Royale bouts for the chance to be named World Champion and win cash prizes in the CRL. For the year 2021, a new format was adopted.
CRL coverage is broadcast live and archived on the Clash Royale Esports YouTube page for later viewing. On, you may find standings and team lists, as well as CRL-related news and other CRL-related information. Each season had three phases through which athletes and teams progressed on their way to the World Finals.
Players/teams with high enough rankings advanced to the next stage, while the remainder were eliminated. Clash Royale bouts were fought with Tournament Standard-level cards and towers at all stages. CRL began with an in-game 20-Win Special Event Challenge or Global Tournament. Players who won 20 games earned a spot in one of the regional Combine Qualifiers.
The Combine Qualifiers were regional live events where players compete in a tournament while representatives from esports teams playing in the CRL attend and observe the tournament in an attempt to recruit talented players to join their teams and advance to the CRL.
The esports teams that registered for the CRL tournament brought their finest players to compete against players from other teams in their geographic region over the 9-week competition.