Pokémon Go has captivated the world’s attention, and it may have even restored America’s greatness. Even a global pandemic couldn’t stop Pokémon Go from gaining traction. We can capture it all and keep healthy at the same moment if we take basic precautions.
Since its premiere, Pokémon Go has undergone various improvements, making it even more enjoyable to play. It requires you to get off the sofa and go to real-world locales to restock key supplies, fight in Gym and Raid Battles, and, of course, capture wild Pokémon. During the COVID-19 era, the regulations have been eased (you can compete inside! ), but stepping outdoors is still the purpose.
If you’re just getting started, use these pointers
1. Choose Pikachu Instead
If you haven’t begun yet – or are willing to start over – there is an unexpected twist: you can choose Pikachu as your first Pokémon. Do you hear that? It’s the screaming of millions of admirers who have spent hours searching for the distinctive yellow beast in adjacent towns after learning that critical clue.
What’s the gimmick here? It’s rather amusing: all you have to do is walk away from the standard starter three of Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur that appears when you first arrive at the global map. As you meander ahead, they’ll appear around you a couple more times, but Pikachu will ultimately appear beside them. If you capture him, you’ll have a delightful Poké-pal right away.
2. Look for rustling leaves
Have problems finding Pokémon throughout the world? While you can (and should) use scented items to attract them, or go to PokéStops with engaged baits (look for the pink flower petals around one), there is a nice visual signal you should notice.
Do you observe little motions of leaves rustling about on the chart? Yes, go straight to that place; there’s almost certainly a Pokémon there. They’re commonly found in forests or parks, so get out of the city if you can and find some new natural companions.
3. Use the Tracker
By touching the tiny bar at the bottom right of the screen, you may use the tracker to see which individual Pokémon are in reach.
It’ll drag up the nearby menu, which displays monsters in your area based on their distance from you: the more footsteps seen, the further away they are. Keep heading in any way and you’ll see how the flag shifts, allowing you to make course corrections until you’re on the right track. Pokémon that you haven’t yet captured are shown as shadows, but observant fans can spot them.
4. Use your eggs
While visiting PokéStops and power-ups, you’ll discover eggs, although you might not realise where they’re kept: Go into the Pokémon menu by tapping the Pokéball icon, and it’ll be up top on the right. One of those should be tapped and allowed to solidify.
Then what? Just go for a long walk. It will inform you how long you need to walk with the app open, whether its 2km or 10km and once you’ve completed the distance, the egg will hatch, exposing a new Pokémon for your team. If you’re going to be walking about with the app open anyhow, why not catch as many Pokémon as you can?
5. Membership has benefits
You earn more than just accolades when you take over a gym: you also get the equipment you can use in the play. If you’re presently in a gym, go to the Shop menu and look for the tiny shield icon towards the top. That should be tapped.
If you still have one or more gyms open, you’ll be given some cash and stardust, and the timer will restart until another redeeming window opens. Do you have several gyms? The rewards will be increased up to a maximum of 100 coins and 5,000 stardust each haul.
Now is the time to level up your game with these helpful hints.