Nintendo and the Pokemon Company have developed a new website with a sound collection from the Nintendo DS games Pokemon Diamond and Pearl from 2006. The Pokemon DP Sound Library was created so that individuals could use the tracks for free in movies, music compositions, and non-commercial events. Users can make their own party tracks by selecting up to six songs.
There’s also a playlist area that’s been handpicked and organised by topics like adventurous, power-up, and challenge. There are numerous cases of makers and artists, such as DJ Alan Shirahama, utilising the sound collection for samples and creating their own projects. More sampling examples will be added to the website in the future.
This launch happens to fall on the same day as news of Youtuber GilvaSunner. They run a channel containing music from Nintendo brands including Kirby, Punch-Out, and Animal Crossing, however they were recently slammed with over 2,000 copyright blocks by Nintendo.
In response to the blockages, GilvaSunner declared on Twitter that the channel would be deleted later this week. When Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl were published on Nintendo Switch in November, both Pokemon Diamond and Pearl received remakes.
“Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl keep enough classic elements to feel like a comfortable nostalgia trip while smoothing over enough of the rough edges to feel relatively contemporary with other recent Pokemon games,” Steve Watts wrote in his GameSpot review of Pokemon Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Source- GameSpot