The Underlying Factors Of India’s Weak Response To The Digital Gaming Market

Learn why the Indian gaming market is lagging behind

The Underlying Factors Of India’s Weak Response To The Digital Gaming Market

An enthusiastic gaming geek in India might have observed that despite the availability of magnificent games with amazing graphics and new technologies in a wide range of genres, neither of these videogames are Indian. This means that all of these games were created in India, contain Indian elements, locales, or personalities, and have an Indian plotline. The majority of the greatest video games in the nation are from other countries.

The computer gaming business in India has made a few daring efforts, but it has not been effective in kicking off the country’s videogame boom. Despite having the second-highest demographic, we have a minor footprint on the global gaming landscape. Indian gaming enterprises are scarce and rely heavily on leased contracts to make a living. Take a look at these factors that causes this situation.

Conventional mentality

Despite tremendous technological improvements, the backward Indian attitude has yet to evolve, and games are regarded as frivolous hobbies that bring almost no value to daily life. People believe that video games are a pointless exercise and are only appropriate for youngsters and early adulthood. The nonchalant attitude and even obvious disrespect for video games contribute to the games’ unpopularity in India.

Absence of an ethnic link

As previously said, the majority of computer games in today’s industry are produced and designed by foreign companies. The Indian consumer has a difficult time connecting with alien concepts and plot lines. While this may not always be true in metropolitan settings, it certainly affects rural gaming. Simulations with Indian protagonists, settings, and subjects will resonate more with the consumer, for whom international content presents a significant linguistic and social barrier.

Economic factors

There is still a monetary consideration to be made. The expensive price of the product, programming, and gadgets necessary to play a video game causes the ordinary Indian customer to reconsider purchasing it. A high-quality video game console is costly, and game CDs are also costly. Many individuals argue that such a sum could be better spent, and they are correct.

Social constraints

Kids from conservative societies are prohibited from playing computer games from the start. They are regarded as worthless products. Computer games are being blamed by parents for inciting violence and pro attitude in their children.