The world of eSports is a completely different battle arena. It is ruled by gamer playing various eSports. Online gaming is an electronic game playing over a computer network. The electronic game world has generated billions of dollars and millions of participants around the world fighting, crafting, buying and selling in a variety of online environment. Online gaming had its root in some of the computing technologies. Many universities in the United States were linked by ARPANET, by the late 1970s. The structure of ARPANET allowed users to connect their computers to the central mainframe and interact. In November 2004, the global gaming market started changing. Players spend hours earning in-game wealth, hunting for rare weapons, and gaining power and prestige for their character. Lots of companies, especially the Chinese turned into serious business. There is growing interest in the field of cosplay where participants wear costume and accessories to represent characters and play their role in the game. Here we look at a few top online gaming stars of India.

Balaji Ramnarayan.

Nickname: BlizzarD

His age is 22 years. He started playing counter strike and his speciality is Dota 2. He is considered to be a top-rated Dota 2 gamer. He spends much of his time practising with his team.

Bhavin Motwani.

Nickname: HellrangeR.

His age is 20 and he started playing with Cartridge based console game and his speciality is counter – Strike. He is from Mumbai and spends around 8 hours to sharpen his skill. He was captain of the team that won the counter strike championship at Comic-Con, in Delhi, in 2017.

Anait Mirzojan.

Nickname: Lifesmack

Her age is 27 years and she is the only female overwatch gamer in India. She started playing on the 8-bit home video game console NES. She is always on her guard on and off her game mic. Her career-high is the only woman overwatch gamer in India.

Varun Immanuel Eddy.

Nickname: RVxChrissy

His age is 23 years and started playing Dota 2 and his speciality is StarCraft. He started gaming at the age of 13, visiting a neighbourhood cyber cafe and playing Dota 2. He wishes to become the best in Gaming worldwide. He representing India at Intel Extreme Masters in South Korea, a precursor to winter Olympics 2018.