Let’s check out how the week pans out for you

Aries Mar 21 to Apr 19

With mercury direct, your planet breathes a sigh of relief at the moment and you will be feeling more positive about certain things. For those who are looking for something to look for in your free time to do you will manage to figure something fun to do suggests your cards. A good time for your finances to get better as your mars come into power.

Taurus Apr 20 to May 20

It’s nice to feel important but it's more important to be nice and this will be your motto this week says your cards. You will be in the mood to help others this week and you need to be more cautious about certain decisions that you are feeling a little uncomfortable about. You need to be more cautious about your health says your planet Mars

Gemini May 21 to Jun 20

Patience is key for you this week says your planet moon. You will be in a hurry for certain professional results to come your way says your cards but it is important that you be a little more patient. For those who are single, it is a good week for you to mingle as your Venus is well placed this week. For those looking for a better situation at work, you will have to wait it out

Cancer Jun 21 to Jul 22

You emotionally feeling a little weak and there needs to be more balanced regarding your personal life says your planet, Venus. For those who are feeling a little confused regarding your career, you need to be strong a take a call immediately before it gets too late. Health needs some attention this week as your Saturn planet is weak and that may cause some issues

LEO Jul 23 to Aug 22

You are looking forward to new avenues in your life you are quite excited about all those things happening to you this week. It is almost the end of a cycle and you are planning a lot and this week seems to be the beginning of all of it. For those who are feeling a little low about your finances you need to work harder for that to change and for you to see some positive changes says your planet moon

Virgo Aug 23 to Sep 22

It's a good week for you but there is a lot of hard work also coming your way in the coming week says your planet sun. You are trying very hard to concentrate on your fitness levels say your cards as that is a prime concern at the moment. For those who are single and willing to mingle, you will be in a flirty mood at the moment. Some blocked money comes through this week says your planet mercury

Libra Sep 23 to Oct 22

You are trying to cover up certain mistakes that have happened in the past few weeks and you are hoping to sort out the problems in your life says your planet moon. Your planet moon also suggests that you will be having some mood swings at the moment this week and you need to try and control all that. You are trying to harry to help a family member and help her through her problems.

Scorpio Oct 23 to Nov 21

Hard work will be very much a part of your agenda this week says your cards. For those who are feeling single and ready to get into a commitment or relationship, you will be thinking about giving you final approval for the relationship this week for those who are spending time with your family you will be feeling very good on that aspect

Sagittarius Nov 22 to Dec 21

Look around and feel a little more gratitude towards all the good that is happening around your life. For those who are feeling a little weak health-wise you need to be a little more patient regarding that .for those who are trying to resolve a legal matter this week will give you some relief in the same. An old friend or and ex-flame may try to re-enter your life says your planet Mars.

Capricorn Dec 22 to Jan 19

You will be feeling an emotional says your planet Rahu. You don't know how you are feeling at the moment about a certain professional decision but you need to trust the power of the universe and go with the flow of energy. You will create what you think so make sure your thought process is positive and in your favour. Some of you will be diverting your mind

Aquarius Jan 20 to Feb 18

You know there is a challenge lying ahead but you are ready to accept it hands-on says your cards. You will be getting a lot of support in your career aspects from a family member so it is important that you value that support this week says your cards. For those waiting for your dream partner you need to wait a little longer says your Venus

Pisces Feb 19 to Mar 20

You will be focussing on your creative juices this week and will be eager to make the changes that are blocking your career says your cards. For those who are wanting to travel it may not be possible for you as you have got the card of the tower. For those who are feeling a little low about your finances you need to stay stronger and hope for the better says your cards as you have got the card of judgment indicating hope for the future.

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