Aries Mar 21 to Apr 19
This week you are not sure about your feelings so the advise from the cards are taking things slow. as the planets are not favorable and it will be a slightly tough time for you at the moment. Singles can enjoy attention from the opposite gender says your planet Venus. Personal life apart you need to figure out what is important on the work front but due to the coronavirus situation you will take time for your decision

Taurus Apr 20 to May 20
This is the time to decide the fate of certain relationships and you need to be strong in making certain decisions says your mars. If you are unhappy about certain factors in your relationship you need to discuss things out. Coronavirus may be bringing your energy levels down but you need to stay positive and keep the faith

Gemini May 21 to Jun 20
There is some attraction to someone special but there is also a hidden agenda so make sure you know the person before you get involved with someone immediately advises mercury. For those looking for a change in their career, this is not a very good time so you need to wait it out and see how it goes when the planets favor you more and the situation eases out more

Cancer Jun 21 to Jul 22
You are still drawn to your past but you need to decide this week if being in touch with your ex is a good idea says your Venus for those single, you can expect to get into a relationship. There could be some family complications which might get you disturbed but know that this is just a passing phase, so you need to be patient, says your Saturn planet

LEO Jul 23 to Aug 22
You are finally able to breathe peacefully as far as your relationship is concerned. You will be able to say and communicate what's in your heart and sort out issues. The card of the moon indicates you need to take care of your physical and mental health. You have also got the card of judgment indicting your need to reflect upon your judgment and where you are going wrong

Virgo Aug 23 to Sep 22
You are ready for a relationship but you still want to take things a bit slow. there is someone special in your life and he or she is giving you the attention says your Jupiter planet. The tarot advises following your heart you are feeling more positive and happy about your family situation. you will clear some debts if you have this week. You will be concentrating on your spiritual life and future goals post the virus

Libra Sep 23 to Oct 22
You might have some misunderstandings with your partner but that doesn't mean that you need to be in a hurry to call off the relationship as it’s not the right call during this difficult period worldwide. For some friendships might develop into love. for those wanting to study further, this is a good time to do your research and decide your future plans as now the time is more for introspection and deciding what you want in your future

Scorpio Oct 23 to Nov 21
You are feeling a bit upset because you feel the one you love does not love you as much. you need to learn to respect your partner's space says your planet moon. There could be some losses in business of some kind of investment so you need to be able to take this in your stride. Remember all in life is a learning lesson and whatever is happening is happening for a karmic reason

Sagittarius Nov 22 to Dec 21
Love is in the air and how. you are finally feeling elated and happy and want to do things for your partner and this is a good week to express your feelings. You will be feeling extra protective towards your family members and will want to do more for them says your planet sun. Health will be better but you need to be careful of your back or areas close to your back suggests your cards

Capricorn Dec 22 to Jan 19
For those having commitment issues you need to look within and see what it is that is bothering you. You will be thinking of changing your job or profession which is good for you and that opportunity will come but only in the near future. You have also got the card of the hermit indicating you need some personal introspection during this time of lockdown where you can realize what all changes you can make in the future

Aquarius Jan 20 to Feb 18
You might need to forgive your partner for certain mistakes he or she has made, as there is no point holding on to certain things. For those single, you will have to wait a little while to find the right partner. There was some travel in the cards But you are compelled to cancel which may cause you disappointment. You need to make sure you are taking more care of your family members at the moment.

Pisces Feb 19 to Mar 20
You are feeling positive about the relationship you have recently gotten into but you need to learn to take each step at a time. Don't be in a hurry for a commitment or marriage says your planet, Venus. Planet Jupiter suggests there is a good amount of spiritual growth in this month and you will be more drawn towards yoga and meditation. Health will need some attention so make sure you don't ignore it.