Week Horoscope from 22 November to 28 November, sunsign prediction

Aries Mar 21 to Apr 19

It’s a very important time for you to weigh the pros and cons of life at the moment, says your cards. Your mind is a bit disturbed at the moment and you're not able to see things in a clear light and you are overthinking at the moment. For those who have been having health conditions it’s a good time for you to try and make some positive changes.

Taurus Apr 20 to May 20

Now is the time for the family issues to get a bit better than before, it is advisable for you to look at things from a better perspective. Mentally you are looking to make some changes to your personality and would want to grow spiritually which is good for you says your planet Jupiter. For those who are looking to get fitter or lose some weight you will be taking the action now for the same.

Gemini May 21 to Jun 20

You are finally able to breathe peacefully as far as your career is concerned. You will be able to say and communicate what's in your heart and sort out issues at work, says your planet sun. Property will be important to you as will travel as that is surely on the cards. You will be also travelling for any sort of work or business.

Cancer Jun 21 to Jul 22

You will need to learn to deal with some things a little better than what the current situation is. It’s a good time for you to think about your future and your security in terms of your finances, says your planet Jupiter. You are in the mood to help someone who you have not been as privileged as you, says your cards. It’s time for you to return a favour you have been thinking of returning for a while.

LEO Jul 23 to Aug 22

You are looking for some protection or some security in a particular situation says your planet Mars. It is important for you to stay in a good state of mind this week as the negativity can bring you down emotionally. For those who are thinking of a new option business wise it’s time for you to wait.

Virgo Aug 23 to Sep 22

It’s a time for you to introspect and look within days your cards as you have drawn the card of the hermit. It’s also a good time for some spiritual forethought and you may decide to pursue some spiritual activities. You should also pay attention to your mental health this week, advises your planet moon.

Libra Sep 23 to Oct 22

You are finally able to breathe peacefully as far as your relationship is concerned. You will be able to say and communicate what's in your heart and sort out issues. Property will be important to you as will travel as that is surely on the cards. You will be also travelling for any sort of work or business or travel plans could be on the agenda.

Scorpio Oct 23 to Nov 21

This week you will be feeling a little low and feeling a bit down mentally and it is important to take care of your mental health and physical health as well. There is something to smile about and just be happy and and your need to count on your blessings not your burdens indicates your cards. It is important for you to let go of the past and think of the better days coming your way and you should remember God has taken you this far for a reason.

Sagittarius Nov 22 to Dec 21

This week sees you feeling happy and being on a high because your entire life is going the way you would like. You have drawn the card of the wheel of fortune indicating it will be a prosperous time for you and it looks like the universe seems to be favouring you in certain situations. For those who are willing to make.some changes your life on the personal front this is your week to mingle.

Capricorn Dec 22 to Jan 19

For those looking for some work or business opportunities this is a good week to try and achieve all your goals, suggests your cards. It’s an important time for you to think about your finances and health so that things are better and that you are feeling more upbeat in general. You will be keen to help out a family member this week.

Aquarius Jan 20 to Feb 18

There are some opportunities for you to think about certain concrete decisions in your life regarding many situations. For those who are single it’s a good time to mingle as your Venus is well placed and it will be bringing you some positive energy as far as your love life is concerned. For those in a committed relationship you can enjoy a good phase this week with your partner.

Pisces Feb 19 to Mar 20

If you are feeling elated about certain projects it's a sign from the universe that things are looking up for you this week says your Venus. Look for certain solutions as far as your love life is concerned and try and work on your relationship as that will help you. Finances are more stable this week and you have a lot to be thankful for says your stars since your mercury is favouring you.

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