Rashmika Mandanna, the popular South Indian actress, has time and again left her fans impressed either by her acting skills or through her beauty. After a supremely successful career down South, Rashmika is now all set to make heads spin in B-Town. The diva is set to make her Bollywood debut with the movie, Mission Majnu.

The actress’s versatile characters and her looks are loved by the fans. But the fans are also in awe of her personal dynamic yet stylish looks. One simply cannot stop admiring, when it comes to Rashmika’s trendy wardrobe. It overflows with classy indo-western suits, designer sarees, floral lehengas and more. The list is endless… Pick any look of hers and she has been nailing it.

Rashmika looks wonderful in every dress that she sports, but she looks divine in her saree look. Her saree choices are classy and so are her blouse choices and jewellery designs. Today, we bring you some of her saree looks!