There’s no denial to the fact that Ananya Panday and Janhvi Kapoor are two of the leading star kids of B-Town today. Both Janhvi and Ananya made their Bollywood debut about a year apart from each other. While Janhvi impressed the audience with her desi avatar in Dhadak, Ananya was all glamorous and decked up and made heads spin in her debut movie, Student Of The Year 2. Ever since then, their filmography is only on the rise and movies like Gunjan Saxena & Pati Patni Aur Woh have certainly helped their cause.
Today, both of them enjoy a humongous presence on social media and each and every time they post a video or a hot photo, the internet sets on fire. Their beauty and makeup tutorial videos travel to places and fans love every bit of action coming from their end.
Both Janhvi and Ananya are humongous beauty influencers today but readers, if you had to pick up one among them as the ‘biggest’, whom would you choose and why?
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