Swastika Mukherjee the Bengali actress has risen to fame in all the years of her experience in the film industry. The actress who debuted with Devdasi a Bengali TV show, went on to be part of some stunning work on cinema like Hemanter Pakhi, Mumbai Cutting, Mastan, Dil Bechara, Chokher Bali, Priyotama etc.
Swastika Mukherjee has an elegance that makes people look at her again. Her sparkling eyes, her glowing complexion and her emergence as a fashionista in the entertainment world has left her fans in a happy zone.
Today, we look at one styling aspect of Swastika, that is in her short hair style.
She looks extraordinarily glam and can we say, stylized in the short hair look. She has appeared in this kind of look in a few of her recent projects too.
Check out her stunning look in short hair here.
Pictures Courtesy: Instagram
Wow!! Swastika loks stunning in this. Both the ethnic style that is the salwar look and the gorgeous saree look enhance her short hairstyle.
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