Dhvani Bhanushali has always been an incredible Diva when it comes to styling and fashion. She has never disappointed her enthusiasts with her remarkable clothing and extraordinary fashion sense. Not just her songs and performances but her skilled hands in fashion and in making clothing choices are also just incredible and stunning. Today we are going to have a look at the red off-shoulder co-ord-set looks of Dhvani Bhanushali.
Dhvani is a very popular artist of India and works predominantly in the Bollywood industry. She is a playback singer who rose to prominence by posting her music videos and song covers on YouTube. Her videos earned views in millions. She later collaborated with great and incredible singers like Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, Guru Randhawa, etc. Dhvani is truly an inspiration for all. She also has won numerous accolades to date. When it comes to talking about the incredible fashion moments and skills of Dhvani Bhanushali absolutely no one can take her place. Dhvani looked as hot as a fire in the red and white off-shoulder print co ord-set that she had worn. She had paired the entire look with the gorgeous pearl choker necklace that one won’t be able to take their eyes off from. Her makeup and her messy hair look were up to the mark and complimented her entire look very well. Dhvani never fails to steal the attention of people with her remarkable looks. Here presenting to you pictures of Dhvani Bhanushali in the beautiful red off-shoulder co ord-set.

View Instagram Post 1: Dhvani Bhanushali Looks Amazingly Gorgeous In Red Off-Shoulder Co-Ord Set With Choker Necklace

View Instagram Post 2: Dhvani Bhanushali Looks Amazingly Gorgeous In Red Off-Shoulder Co-Ord Set With Choker Necklace