Bollywood divas Kiara Advani, Alia Bhatt, and Janhvi Kapoor are seen flaunting their sassy legs and just giving us marvelous looks. The diva wore stylish shorts and just gave us major fashion goals. While traveling out of the city and moving around Mumbai for meetings, Kiara Advani was photographed walking around in shorts and a long-sleeved blouse. The actress had a sultry, sophisticated appearance. She briefly spoke with the press and looked lovely in her daring dress.

The most famous actress and Mom-to-be, Alia Bhatt, was snapped at a dubbing studio wearing a bright orange sleeveless shirt and shorts and was looking sizzling hot in that outfit. She is all set for her upcoming films, like Heart of Stone, Rocky, and Rani Ki Prem Kahani. Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor is one who enjoys showing off her sassy-toned legs in short dresses and jeans. Many times, people have observed her wearing shorts, and she looks smoking hot in her outfit. Several actresses are observed wearing shorts and are seen giving us major fashion looks. The stars look hot in shorts and are seen opting for shorts for their casual outfit looks.

Bollywood divas never leave any chance to flaunt their sassy-toned bodies, and we just can’t stop staring over them for their hottest looks. The shorts are just perfect for summer and vacation looks, and they will definitely make your look superb and stunning.

Check out the shorts looks of Kiara Advani, Alia Bhatt, and Janhvi Kapoor, and stay connected to