Janhvi Kapoor, the stunning daughter of Bollywood Diva Sridevi has indeed made a name for herself with her films and charm. Janhvi has been seen wearing various amazingly stunning dresses but when she is seen in mini-bodycon dresses, she looks so stunning!
We at IWMBuzz.com bring you some of Janhvi’s mini-bodycon looks.
Janhvi indeed looks stunning in this light-ochre bodycon! It indeed represents her beauty and grace, doesn’t it?
Janhvi looks so cute in pink, does she not? Her dress, her heels and the whole backdrop are pink! I guess pink is Janhvi’s lucky colour!
Now, Janhvi is seen wearing a shimmery dress. The golden sparkles and her smile go hand in hand! The frills of the dress take Janhvi’s beauty sense to a totally different level!
In the next bodycon we see Janhvi in white. White enhances her elegance in such a pleasant way that she is seen to be glamourous!
In the last and final bodycon, we see Janhvi as beautiful as gold in her golden dress. She looks elegantly stunning and is as beautiful as gold!
Amazing dressing style, right?