Malavika Mohanan makes heads turn at the dreamy wedding of fellow actress Keerthy Suresh in Goa. For Keerthy Suresh and Antony Thattil’s typical South Indian wedding, Malavika turned herself into a gorgeous bridesmaid wearing a Kanjivaram silk saree. She looked as gorgeous as ever with her irresistible charm and allure. The actress knows to rule over hearts with her style. Let’s decode her full look below.
The Thangalaan actress wore a beautiful pink Kanjivaram silk saree featuring an aesthetic golden border and work around the edges. She draped the saree in a sleek style teamed with a low-neckline sleeveless beige blouse. With her traditional pick combining with modern touch, Malavika turned into a gorgeous bridesmaids, grabbing everyone’s attention. Sharing the photos, Malavika revealed getting ready for Keerthy and Antony’s wedding with the text, “For The Love If NYKE.” In the next photo, she greeted Goa, saying, “Hello (with a red heart)”.
To elevate Malavika’s traditional allure, she adorned her look with a sleek mid-part bun decorated with beautiful flowers. The huge golden necklace with green, emerald details gives her royal charm. With matching earrings, kamarbandh, bangles, and rings, she looked like a princess from the old era. Her winged eyeliner with black bindi on her forehead looked pretty. With pink cheeks and nude pink lips, Malavika serves oh-so-breathtaking vibes. For her friend’s wedding, Malavika made a statement appearance, leaving the onlookers mesmerized.