Disha Patani is hotness and sensuality personified for real. The actress has been setting the the world of internet on fire ever since she started posting hot photos from her first-ever Calvin Klein photoshoot and ever since then, she’s broken the internet every time she posted new bikini photos. Before that photoshoot, Disha who had just done the biopic of MS Dhoni back then had a ‘girl-next-door’ image. But ever since she started flaunting her bold version, netizens have loved it all the time.
Usually, Disha is always receiving humongous compliments for her super-hot bikini body which she has earned for herself after a lot of hard hours in the gym. But folks, were you all aware of the fact that there was this one situation when Disha got trolled badly for apparently posting a poor-quality photo? Wondering which picture are we talking about? Take a look below –
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