Shahid Kapoor the amazing actor has had a full circle when it comes to exploring all kinds of roles in the big screen circuit. Shahid who started off as a chocolate boy in films like Jab We Met, Vivaah etc went on to be part of some amazing intense cinema wherein he proved his versatility as an actor.
Above all, Shahid has maintained himself so very well that he is still being sought out for the rough and tough roles as well as roles with a unique variety.
Shahid is a good-looking guy. As we said, he was the cute boy next door when he started off. Now he is a macho man in terms of his look. His style and aura are pleasing to the eye. His smile is extremely infectious.
We bring to you a few of his stunning pictures which will make you dote on him more.
Check here.
Aww!! He’s a stunner!!