Times When Suga & Jungkook Dressed Like They Were Going To College To Make An Impression, View Pics

Have a look at Suga and Jungkook slaying it in a college outfit.

The majority of BTS members are in their mid to late twenties, which implies they haven’t been in high school in a long time. Many people’s personalities alter as they get older and obtain new life experiences. BTS is one of today’s most prominent musicians, and they have undoubtedly experienced many changes in their life over the last few years.

Jungkook debuted with BTS at the age of 15, therefore he was still in high school when his K-pop career began. Fans may recall viewing his graduation in 2017, with other BTS members in attendance.

Suga said that schoolwork was not his strong suit at the time, and he prioritized his part-time employment, adding, “I wasn’t very dedicated to school. I also had a part-time job at the time. My attendance, on the other hand, was excellent. I just wasn’t interested in schooling.”


BTS Suga and Jungkook have more swagger in one finger than most individuals have in their entire body, therefore they can turn any clothing into something badass. Almost any outfit, in fact, to recall their memories of school/college they were dressed as one, have a look:

The staff of Run BTS! had all of the members dress in clothing that looked more like thrift store rejects than retro-chic throwbacks for episode 30. Although most of the members looked a little sloppy in their plaid and denim ensembles, Suga and Jungkook’s outfits were especially…well, not very Suga and Jungkook-like. Suga and Jungkook characterized their appearance as that of an “ugly doll” floating around on a vehicle dashboard.

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Winola Dabre: She instils a consistent approach towards people and she is extremely driven to work at IWMBUZZ. She is Elysian and she holds on to Espoir.