Alia Bhatt and Janhvi Kapoor are popular top actresses who are ruling on the screen with their acting chops and impeccable style. Whether it is their roles in shows, red carpet looks, or even when they have to run errands, both actresses look impeccable. But considering how small the world of fashion is, even the top actresses of the industry get inspired by each other and even tend to imitate their looks and outfits, giving us fashion faceoff!
Once, the two actresses were seen wearing a floral printed saree reminiscent of the retro era. Their six yards were strikingly similar. Janhvi wore the sheer printed saree with a sleeveless white bralette carrying a plunging U neckline and back and cropped length. Alia wore the saree in a traditional draping style and paired it with a spaghetti-strapped embroidered white bralette.
On another event, Alia Bhatt rocked Priyanka Chopra’s engagement party in a Rs 47,000 gown embroidered with magical stars and moon motifs. However, Janhvi Kapoor wore the exact same Cinq à Sept dress. Check their photos below!