6 restaurant etiquettes you must know

Hey!! Here Are, 6 restaurant etiquettes you must know.

Whenever you go to a restaurant or you host a party for someone, eat professionally icky. Eating habits are very important and try to remember that you’re not there for the food. Restaurant etiquettes are very much important and here we look at 6 amongst them, you must know.

1) First and most important thing is that the host should always be in charge. He should pick an appropriate restaurant and make reservations well in advance. If you’re having business lunch or dinner, such things are very important.

2) When you are in restaurants, make sure you don’t pull someone’s chair for them. It’s ok to open the door for your guest, but pulling someone’s chair for them is bad manners.

3) Know which utensils to use when you are in a restaurant. Whichever you order in a restaurant, each course requires different utensils, which are kept in front of you. If at all utensils are kept well in advance, a good general rule is to start with the proper utensil, which is for that particular dish.

4) Always break bread with your hands. When you are in a restaurant, always break bread with your hands and never use a knife to cut it, especially when you are at a business dinner or lunch.

5) Also you should know the rest and finished position of your utensils. Place your knife and fork, knife near the top of the plate and fork across the middle of the plate. This will help the waiter to understand that you are resting. For finished position, the fork should be kept below the knife diagonally across the plate.

6) Most importantly, always say “please” and “thank you” to staff in the restaurant, especially waiters.

Those were six restaurant etiquettes you must know.