Benefits Of Eating Nuts Everyday

Hey! Look At the Benefits Of Eating Nuts every day.

Normally we use nuts in our day to day cooking. A few decades ago there were misconceptions about nuts. There was the assumption that, as nuts are high in calories and fat, they should be avoided. But further studies overturned that assumption. Harvard researchers in 2013 found that those who consume nuts regularly live a longer, healthier life than the people who didn’t eat nuts. Also, they found that nut eaters were less likely to die of cancer, heart and respiratory disease. The most commonly consumed nuts are almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pistachios, walnut etc. Also, peanuts are considered nuts. Let’s have a look at the benefits of eating nuts every day.

All nuts are a great source of all different nutrients. The percentage of nutrients may vary but consuming nuts every day is very good for your health. Nuts are loaded with antioxidants, polyphenols can combat oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals. Nuts also help you in reducing bad cholesterol, a major risk for heart disease. Though nuts are high in calories, it helps you lose weight. Pistachio is useful in lowering your triglycerides in people who are obese and those with diabetes.

Nuts are good for your heart. They are high in beneficial fibre. Also nuts have anti-inflammatory properties, which helps you with many health issues. And lots of other benefits. It is advisable to consume different types of nuts daily.