All vegetables are a good source of rich nutrients. Spinach is the best dark green leafy vegetable, which is extremely important for our overall health. Spinach offers lots of nutrients but cooking destroys lots of nutrients. You should have it raw in the form of juices, smoothies, and salads. This is one of the best ways to obtain antioxidants lutein for your day-to-day life. Lutein found in spinach is a very important antioxidant, which can dampen inflammation in immune cells from patients with coronary artery disease. Here we look at the best ways to consume spinach in your daily diet.

The best way to consume spinach is to add it to smoothies along with yogurt, cream, or fatty milk. When we chop spinach into small pieces lutein is released and the fat increases the solubility of the lutein in the fluid. Better not to heat spinach at all as you may lose important lutein, an antioxidant it contains.

Spinach can be consumed with different cheesy salads. If spinach is consumed with different salads it gives you full nutrients, as well as taste if cheese is used in salads.

Also, spinach can be consumed through various juices. You get high nutrients as you are not heating spinach and also you can make juices tastier with the addition of tasty ingredients such as dry fruits, fruits, etc. While consuming spinach we need to take care of having it raw. Importantly, spinach contains lutein which can be stored in our body’s immune cells, which actually means it is very much possible to build up a reserve of storage of lutein inside your body. To determine the level of lutein in the body you should increase lutein dietary intake and spinach is the best option.