As complicated as it sounds, a Hot and Spicy Fish Platter is not that complicated and can be cooked at home in a way.

You don’t need any extra groceries as you already have the ingredients you need for the platter, in your kitchen.

Follow these easy steps to make a Hot and Spicy Fish Platter at home for yourself.

Different fish of your choice
1 tablespoon Spicy barbecue sauce
1 tablespoon Schezwan sauce
1 tablespoon tomato ketchup
1 cup olive oil
1 cup Lemon juice
½ cup curd
3 tablespoons Ginger Garlic paste
2 finely chopped jalapeno
1 tablespoon red chilli powder
2 tablespoons Paprika
Salt to taste

Let’s get Cooking

Take the fish of your choice in a big bowl and add olive oil, curd, paprika, chilli powder, salt to taste, ginger garlic paste, lemon juice, and mix it all really well. Keep this for marination for about 4-5 hours

In a small bowl mix the spicy barbecue sauce, Tomato ketchup, and Schezwan sauce add salt to taste, and keep this aside.

Once the fish is marinated, keep the grill on medium flame and butter it with olive oil. Once the oil is heated, put the fish on the grill and let it cook on each side for 2 minutes each.

While its grilling brushes your sauces on the fish and covers the grill for about 30-40 seconds until there’s a spicy aroma.

Take the fish off the grill and put it on a serving dish and add chopped coriander for garnishing. Your spicy fish platter is ready to be served.