How Much Coffee Should You Have Daily? Answer Is Here

Know how much coffee you can consume in a day.

Caffeine in powder or liquid form, according to the US Food and Drug Administration, can contain dangerous amounts of caffeine. Caffeine powder is nearly similar to 28 cups of coffee in one teaspoon. Caffeine levels this high can be dangerous to one’s health and possibly lead to death.

Caffeine use may be acceptable in adults, however, it is not advised in children. Adolescents and young adults should avoid excessive caffeine usage, as well as mixing caffeine with alcohol and other drugs.

Women who are pregnant or attempting to become pregnant, as well as those who are breastfeeding, should limit their caffeine intake to less than 200 mg per day.

Even in adults, caffeine consumption can have detrimental effects. Caffeine may also be problematic for those who are hypersensitive to its effects or who are taking certain drugs.

Read on to see if you should cut back on your caffeine intake.

You may want to cut back if you’re drinking more than 4 cups of caffeinated coffee a day (or the equivalent) and you have side effects such as:





Frequent urination or inability to control urination

Fast heartbeat

Muscle tremors

The sensitivity to caffeine differs from person to person. Even small quantities of caffeine might create unpleasant side effects like restlessness and insomnia if you’re susceptible to its effects.

It’s possible that the amount of caffeine you’re used to drinking has an impact on how you react to it. People who do not drink coffee every day are more vulnerable to its effects.

Cutting back on caffeine might be difficult, whether for one of the reasons listed above or because you want to save money on coffee drinks. Withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, weariness, irritability, and difficulty focusing on tasks may occur if caffeine intake is abruptly reduced. Thankfully, these symptoms are usually minor and resolve within a few days.

Try these suggestions to break your caffeine addiction:

Keep Tabs

Start keeping track of how much caffeine you consume through foods and beverages, especially energy drinks. Pay attention to the labels. However, keep in mind that your estimate may be off because certain caffeine-containing meals and beverages aren’t labeled.

Cut back gradually

For example, each day, drink one fewer can of soda or a smaller cup of coffee.

Alternatively, avoid caffeinated beverages late in the day.

This will help your body adjust to the lower caffeine levels and reduce the likelihood of withdrawal symptoms.

Go Decaf

The majority of decaffeinated beverages have the same appearance and flavor as their caffeinated equivalents.

The Bottom Line

Caffeine is probably a part of your everyday routine if you’re like most folks. In most cases, it will not be harmful to your health. However, be aware of the potential adverse effects of caffeine and be prepared to reduce your intake if necessary.

About The Author
Laurel Menezes: You will find Laurel Menezes cycling or singing when not writing for IWMBUZZ. If we were to sum up her personality in two terms, well, she is agile and witty.