Here’s how you can make a simple yet delicious oreo ice cream.
2 cups (one pint) heavy whipping cream, beaten into good resistance with an electric mixer
One sweetened condensed milk can (14 oz) – it’s like liquid gold.
1 box Oreos – you’ll stir 2 cups of crushed Oreos into the ice cream and then top it with a few additional broken Oreos.
A metal loaf pan, a robust Tupperware container, or, if you’re really into homemade ice cream, a fun multipurpose ice cream container like round one or odd long one might be used to freeze the ice cream in.
A vessel with a tight top will help avoid freezer burn, but if the ice cream isn’t going to be in the freezer for too long, plastic wrap will suffice. But seriously, do you think this ice cream will survive more than a few days?!
How to make Oreo ice cream.
Place a metal mixing bowl and the mixer’s beaters in the freezer for 20-30 minutes before starting. Take the bowl out of the freezer.
Using an electric mixer, whip the heavy cream until firm peaks form, about 5-7 minutes.
With a spatula or mixer, stir in the sweetened condensed milk. Mix in the 2 cups of Oreos that have been diced. Fill a freezer-safe container halfway with ice cream. Additional broken oreo pieces can be sprinkled on top of the ice cream. Freeze the container overnight, covered. Scoop and serve once frozen!
Let’s learn how to make an Oreo ice cream! Click asap for the recipe
All you need to know is to make delicious oreo ice cream.