It is a tough call to hold on to your food cravings, especially if you are a foodie. This is the same that actress Ridhima Ghosh is experiencing today. Well, a big foodie that she is, she is lured to gulp down the amazing Chocolate Mousse placed in front of her.

She has her conscience telling her not to eat it. However, the food craver that she is, she is not able to resist the temptation to eat. Ultimately, she gulps it down. This is the moment of glory and happiness for Ridhima.

You need to check the calming and soothing smile on her face, as she has the gulp of cake in her mouth. Indeed, mouth-watering!!

Such cravings are more especially when you are on a diet. And in the case of Ridhima, she has just broken the rule of diet keeping.

Check the amazing video here.

View Instagram Post 1: Ridhima Ghosh Proves That She Is A Big-Time Foodie

Video Courtesy: Instagram

Aww!! Are you all mouth-watering now after seeing this yummy cake?