Normally in all households, two types of tea are prepared, one is black tea and the other using milk. Tea is consumed most in Asian countries and you will find it in every corner on the streets, in restaurants, and in cafes. Among all green tea is proven to be the best tea among all and it has proven many benefits to our overall health. Tea can be prepared using different ingredients like ginger, turmeric, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, etc. Here are three different types of tea and their benefits.


These tea leaves are least oxidized and that is why tea made from them is light in color. This tea contains high antioxidants. This tea helps you in preventing bladder, breast, lungs, stomach, rectal, and pancreas cancer. Study shows regular consumption of green tea can increase your longevity.


Oolong tea is the center stage during the time spent becoming green tea into black tea. This helps lower your bad cholesterol levels and increase your levels of good cholesterol. In your overall heart health oolong tea plays a vital role and it is advisable to consume it on regular basis.


White tea comes from the same plant but its process is different. White tea leaves are harvested before they open up. Buds of the tea plant are directly used. Buds of leaves allowed to wither and dried in direct sun and in other case bude as well as very young leaves steamed or fired before drying. White tea is not rolled or oxidized, resulting in a lighter flavor compared to green or black tea. White tea reduces your risk of diabetes. Also, this will help you for losing weight. White tea contains a compound called catechins that strengthen your bones and prevent osteoporosis.