3 Doshas And Everything You Should Know About It

Let's Know Everything About 3 Doshas.

According to Ayurveda, there are three Doshas, which are three forces of our body. This is Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. If they are all in balance then it will give you good health and on another hand, its imbalance may lead to different types of diseases. The classification according to body type and pulse diagnosis will help ayurvedic experts with the exact ailments. In norm the al course, they classify bodies into 3 Doshas type. Experts talk about tridosha or body types according to element. Here we try to know about 3 doshas and everything related to it.

The theory of tridosha forms the basis of Ayurvedic medicine. It is purely a study about how your body reacts to certain food and weather etc. which is called Prakriti. This is logic and the simplest way we can understand the human body can help you make the right choice of food. Ayurveda is not just vaidya but even you as a person. It’s a science of everyday life.

Here’s how to understand the ayurvedic concepts of 3 Doshas. First, we will see five elements, which constitute our body. This are Aksha(space), Vayu (air), Agni(fire), Jala(water) and Prithvi(earth). All five elements have an impact on our health and they are linked with 3 Doshas. 3 Doshas ensure that all these five elements are held together and exert their functions so that the human body functions in balance and free of disease.

Vata holds Aksha and Vayu together.

Pitta binds Agni and jala.

Kapha holds Prithvi and Jala.

Your health or Prakriti depends on which Dosha is dominant. There are accordingly eight Prakriti. It is important that all doshas present in all Prakriti. The dominant Dosha that expresses apparent characteristics, physical and mental, is considered dominant Prakriti.

Also, we can know about personality types based on Prakriti Dosha. We try to understand vata, pitta, Kapha’s personality.


A person with vata Prakriti is a thin and dry body and complains of loss of fulfillment while sleeping. Suffer from dry skin. Full of creative ideas. Tend to eat small meals throughout the day.


Hate all things hot. Have a soft and muscular body and loose and flabby when they put on weight. They can eat heavy food at one go. Have thin and fine hair and their sleep is moderate. Inpatient and gets angry easily.


They have a big fatty body. They love routine and can do the same things everyday meditatively. They are researchers and the best thinkers.