Yoga is an ancient form of exercise. It has contributed a lot to the holistic living of individuals in a natural and trusted way. Yoga is practiced all over the world for a relaxed mind and a healthy body by many people. Yoga is a proven technique for your growth and development in all ways. Women face mood swings at the time of pregnancy. There are also chances of fatigue, sickness, painful leg cramps as well as breathing problems during pregnancy. Yoga exercises and postures help ease such conditions ensuring easier labor and safe delivery. Even a celebrity like Lara Dutta, who recently became a mother of a baby girl, launched a yoga DVD under prenatal yoga expert Tonia Clarke. Pregnancy Yoga aims to help the mother bring the unborn into this world with ease. Here we have a look at three Yoga Asanas among many Asanas useful during pregnancy.

Sit erect with feet stretched in front. Inhale and raise your arms at shoulder level palms facing down. While exhaling twist your body from waist towards your right head and hands to the same side. Don’t bend your knees. Inhale and come back to a normal position. Repeat on another side.

Sit on the mat in any comfortable position and while inhaling raise your arms and join your palms in the Namaste position. Keep your elbow straight and hands near your ears. Hold for a few seconds and come back to a normal position. Repeat 2-3 times for better results.

Lie down on your back. Straighten your legs. Keep your body in line. Knees and feet together. Inhale and raise your hands and rest them on floors. Push your toes simultaneously. Exhale and get to a normal position again and relax. Repeat 3-4 times.

All these yoga asanas give benefits to pregnant women. It helps to correct postures, relieves body tension, relieves backache, and overall body and mental comfort.