Indian actress Aamna Munjal was born in Delhi and did various acting workshops with renowned actor Mr. Adil Hussain and completed a Film Acting Diploma from KNK (Kishore Namit Kapoor acting Institute Mumbai).
But do you know, this young actress was a chubby girl during her teens. We know, it would be hard to believe, but true that she once weighed 69kg. Well, read here Aamna Munjal’s great weight loss journey and see how she managed to lose her chubby looks.
Aamna Munjal dreamt of being an actress since her childhood days. She herself confessed: “I just wanted to act since I was a teen. I was totally a filmy girl.
Soon, her dreams turned into reality when at the age of 15 she got a chance to collaborate in an advertisement for an education campaign. Aamna faced a major obstacle before the advertisementher weight.
Her workout routine mainly consists of a mix of activities like jogging, Pilates, walking, boxing, squash, circuit training, freestyle dancing, and much more.
She tries to be active and ‘keep moving’ is her mantra. She tries to incorporate 30-40 mins of simple cardio for her heart health and stamina.
Besides this, she also practices pilates regularly for strength and flexibility. Although this whole process of weight loss was a “tedious task” for her, now when she looks back at herself she is “amazed” at her transformation.
Losing weight was not easy for Aamna, but she did it for the sake of her love for acting. She says she was blessed to have many wellness experts and nutritionists who guided her throughout her journey because 80% of health and body is made in the kitchen. She followed a sustainable and healthy diet plan. Aamna said: She follows the simple mantra of clean eating. She loves reading and gaining knowledge about health and nutrition and she is indebted and totally looks upon her all-time health guru, India’s leading nutritionist, Pooja Makhija. As quoted by Aamna herself, ‘Pooja ma’am taught me the way of life and she is simply an angel, I can’t thank her enough.’ Pooja Makhija’s nourish genie app and the website is the answer to all health and lifestyle problems.
Aamna eats a well-balanced diet and she avoids sugar, junk, and fried foods. According to her ‘we are what we eat.’
Health and fitness is a lifestyle. It’s not a destination but a beautiful journey.