When it comes to ice cream, no one wants to settle for a cup or a scoop. It’s one of those sweet, delectable, and never-ending delights. It has a seductive combination of cream, cold, and comfort, according to psychologists, which makes you want more! If you like ice cream, you’ll grasp the depth, but there’s a school of thought that says it’s terrible for your health. To learn the other side of the story, scroll down.
It is inaccurate to claim that ice cream is healthful due to its high sugar and fat content. Experts say moderation is the key, and if you’re not sure why, consider the following considerations.
High In Calories
Each dish of chocolate ice cream has approximately 250-300 calories. Keeping in mind the daily calorie consumption of an adult body, 3-4 servings in a day is more than half of your daily calorie intake.
Rich In Fats
According to the American Heart Association, daily fat levels should not exceed 5 to 6%, however, a single serving of ice cream (105 gms) includes around 15-19 g of fat.
Sugar Flow
The American Heart Association suggests a daily limit of 24 g of added sugar for women and 36 g for men when it comes to sugar consumption. You’ll be astonished to learn that each serving of ice cream (105 gms) contains approximately 23 g of sugar.
Presence Of Trehalose
Ice cream contains Trehalose, an artificial sugar that serves as a sweetener and a texturizing agent, according to the National Institutes of Health. It’s been connected to a nasty gut infection that can lead to a variety of health issues.