Yoga is the best way to get overall health benefits. It has been preferred by many people nowadays for weight loss. Yoga exercises help you to lose weight, but slowly and steadily. It boosts metabolism also. Yoga along with a balanced diet will help you to achieve your target. If you have a few extra inches around your waist and you are finding it uncomfortable wearing jeans, you must go for yogasana to get rid of extra waste. It also will help improve your metabolism and strengthens your core. Here are few yoga poses for your slim waist.
Stand straight with your feet wide apart. Turn your right foot 90 degrees. and left foot 15 degrees. Make sure your feet pressing the ground and the weight of your body equally balanced on your feet. Inhale and while exhaling bend your body to the right, downward from the hip, without feet movement. By keeping your waist straight, allow your left hand to come up in the air and your right hand comes down the floor. Ensure your hand in a straight line. Come back to the same position and repeat with another side.
Sit straight with spine and back erected on the floor with an extended leg. Exhale and turn the upper body to the right along with the neck. Move the left hand towards the right knee. You can turn the neck and look back over the shoulders and do the movements. Maintain this position as long as comfortable and come back to the same position slowly. Repeat the same on the left side.
Along with this boat pose, bow pose or dhanurasana, reverse warrior poses you can try for a slim waist. All these Asanas need to be performed under the proper guidance and ensure healthy practice, as your lower back is involved.