It is always crucial to maintain one’s health. Maintaining a robust immune system and a balance of beneficial bacteria in the body is critical for optimum health, which results from a strong, healthy gut. Keeping the gut in excellent shape during the monsoon – a season when viruses and harmful bacteria proliferate quickly – is critical to ensuring our general health. Dr. Aneesh Manoharan, Senior Ayurveda Advisor at Atmantan Wellness Center, explains how we may balance our gut health by dietary and lifestyle modifications.

Consider this: During the monsoon, the vata dosha becomes more inflamed, and the chances of developing data vyadhis, or ailments induced by vitiated vata, increase. The chilly and humid weather also has an effect on the digestive fire, keeping it low. One should make an effort to counteract whatever Vata doshas they may encounter. Warm, somewhat greasy, sweet, readily digested, and light food should be served.

Lifestyle Modifications: Cleanliness is critical for avoiding monsoon infections. Always have fresh and healthful meals on hand. Avoid eating items from the roadside as much as possible; instead, eat warm, readily digestible foods that also serve to maintain and build self-immunity. A healthy daily routine and nutrition can assist to increase both qualities of life and immunity. Do a body massage on a regular basis; at the absolute least, apply oil to the crown, ears, palm, and soul every day. Take a bath in warm water (for head wash normal water). Fumigate to maintain your surroundings clean and healthy, exercise on a regular basis, and so on.

Boost Immunity: Fruits high in vitamin C are a wonderful choice for boosting immunity and avoiding sickness these days. For instance, orange, lemon, delicious lime, berries, tomato, and so on. Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids are also a fantastic choice for boosting immunity. In addition, red meat should be avoided throughout this time of year. It is beneficial to include garlic, ginger, cumin, black pepper, turmeric, coriander, and other spices in your diet. To boost your body’s cold resistance capacity, consume dry fruits and seeds such as almonds, sesame seeds, groundnuts, walnuts, and so on.

Maintaining Gut Health: Need will be at a minimum throughout this season; nonetheless, make sure to keep boiling water on hand. A least two to three gallons of water each day is required to keep bodily processes and reduce waste in check. Dishes produced with maida, fried foods, and liquor should all be avoided. Furthermore, during this rainy season, we ought to be wary of pests when eating lots of vegetables. Moong dal recipes with cow’s ghee, medicinal porridges, rice soup, millet soup, and other foods can be incorporated. Incorporate modest amounts of ginger, black pepper, and lemon into your diet. Gut health can be improved by thin yogurt water, honey, and wheat rice pulses recipes.
