Few things can happen when you are menstruating. It’s common to feel discomfort around your abdomen area. Your lower back and thighs may show discomfort and strain in this period of the month causing weakness and nausea to many. Muscle of your womb contract and relax. Sometimes you will experience cramps, which are your muscles that are active at work. There are lots of other health issues you may face, like vomiting, diarrhea, and headaches. There are many options available to get rid of menstrual cramps. Few yoga poses and other exercises will take care of your menstrual cycle. Here we look at few exercises to relieve your menstrual cramps.
COBRA POSE, CAT POSE, COW POSE, AND FISH POSE, Are all good exercises available for your menstrual cycle. All these exercises will help you cope with heavy cramping, and are best for heavier menstrual days. Each stretch should be carried out comfortably with ease.
* For Cobra pose exercise lie on your stomach with legs straight and feet together. Place a hand under your shoulder. Using hand pressure, lift your head and shoulders. Breathe deep and hold this position until you find it comfortable. Always while inhaling your stomach should be full and while exhaling your belly should move in. Repeat for better results.
* For Cat or Cow pose exercise get on your hands and knees. Your hands must be under your shoulders and your knees are directly under your hips parallel to the ground. Take a deep breath in, and lower belly towards the ground. Stretch your head and bottom. This is a cow pose.
Breath normally for few seconds. Change your position, breathe in profoundly and when you inhale out, twist back towards the sky, with head and base extending towards the ground for feline posture work out. Here also repeat for better results.
* For fish pose exercise place a pillow on the floor. Place back and head on the pillow and place leg straight. Place arms comfortably at your sides with palms facing up. In this pose breath gently as long as you feel comfortable.
All these exercises are better for controlling menstrual cramps.
Source – nationwidechildrens.org