Diabetes is a critical and fatal lifestyle disease. Most people suffer from diabetes. There are many causes of diabetes. One of them being the working hours and style. At most places, night shift is unavoidable. In hospitals, the pharmaceutical industry, and industry in which plant runs twenty-four hours people have to work in night shifts. Also due to heightened work pressure, performance competition people may have to work longer hours. Study shows that diabetes is attacking people working in night shifts and long hours on a regular basis. Let’s take a look at how it affects us.
Diabetes is increased from two percent in the seventies to around thirty percent today. This is due to an unhealthy lifestyle and a lack of awareness on one’s own health. Type 2 diabetes is very difficult to manage if you are working in night shifts. Eating during the course of the night is associated with several health issues including diabetes. Eating in night shifts can disrupt one’s body’s clock and making it difficult to manage one’s blood sugar levels. If a woman is working more than fifty-five hours a week, there is a fifty percent chances of her suffering from diabetes as compared to people working for around forty-five hours. Some studies suggest, that it is vice versa in men. Also, while working in shifts people binge on the wrong foods in lieu of staying awake and energised for longer hours. In the long run, it affects your body leading to fatal health issues. These unhealthy eating habits become a deterrent in managing disease such as diabetes.
Certain care needs to be taken to control the disease. This involves limited food intake, consumption of home food, fruits intake, light stretching and exercises between long hours of sitting down.