Exercise is the best way to remain fit and healthy as well as flexible. Every fitness expert suggests doing exercise whenever you get time. To give your time to hit the gym is very important, but due to some reasons, if you are unable to give time to exercise, you can go for other ways to remain fit and healthy as well as in shape. If at all you are unable to hit the gym to do exercise, you need to be active and try to burn lots of calories through various activities. Here we look at a few things you can do to remain active and in shape if you can’t spare time to exercise.

* Play various sports with your kids or with young sports enthusiasts in the family. There are various sports like shooting a basketball, kicking a soccer ball around as well as various other sports will help you to burn lots of calories and it will keep you in good shape.
* You can use stairs instead of a lift of the building. Using stairs is a good option for burning calories and remaining fit and in shape. Always make habits of using stairs.
* You can play and run along with your kids or you can ride them on a bicycle and you run along with a bicycle. All such activities apart from exercise are good for keeping yourself fit and in shape.
* Involve in all kinds of house cleaning activities, as it can burn a significant amount of calories and keep you fit and in shape.
* Do all kinds of yoga and Pilates while watching movies. Also, you can do various stretching while watching television with kids. This will also help you in decreasing weight and can keep you in shape.
* You can do short jogging when you get free time in between while working. You can do various activities like dance, aerobics while cooking or watching television. Washing your car, gardening, as well as other plenty of activities, will help you to get in shape and can have better health.

Those are a few things you can do to remain fit and in shape if you are unable to take the time to do exercise.