Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers that does not show symptoms until it has reached an advanced stage. but a few of the symptoms that you can notice are listed on below so have a good read.

Cough: If you have a cough that has not been going away for a really long time is one of the symptoms of lung cancer. Another thing that you might most notice in your coffee is lumps of blood or just coughing out blood.

Chest pain: Chest pain is another common symptom that you can experience especially when you are breathing. It eventually also leads to shortness of breath and heavy breathing.

Appetite: One of the other common symptoms is that the person loses his or her appetite and there is a significant change in their weight. They start to lose a lot of their weight and this happens very suddenly.

Bone pain: The bones in your spine and your waist starts to pain little by little and reaches a point of no return. This pain is excruciating and extremely unbearable.

It is important that you keep in touch with yourself and understand these symptoms and get a check-up done if you are going through any of these.

Another disclaimer that having any of these symptoms does not confirm the diagnosis of cancer as it can only be done by a professional. So please seek professional help.