We’ve all been there: spent hours in the gym, lifting heavy weights, and eating well, only to see no results in the mirror. It turns out that all that energy would be better invested elsewhere; after all, working smarter rather than harder is more productive. It’s worth investing in the mental side of the equation if you want to stop making fitness blunders in the gym and start making real progress. Here are five things you’re doing incorrectly in the gym if you’re not getting the results you want.

1.Having too high of an expectation too soon
Most people overestimate their short-term capabilities while underestimating their long-term capabilities. Rather than thinking of your fitness journey as seasonal or bouncing around programs or fads, make a long-term commitment.

2.Not properly warming up
Multiple factors should be included in a well-structured and effective warm-up. It should raise your heart rate and blood flow throughout your body. This can be accomplished by light cardio on a machine or a run, as well as bodyweight exercises such as burpees. For the movements you’ll be performing that day, range of motion or flexibility is important.

3.Not Choosing Wisely Your Reps
Different sets and reps are statistically proven to produce greater results depending on your training goals. If you want to increase your raw strength, strive for 1-5 reps for each exercise. This is a powerlifting rep range, and because the overall volume is modest, more weight can be lifted, increasing strength.

4.Sticking to the same routine as your fitness/strength improves
If you want to see changes in your physique or performance, you’ll need to increase the difficulty or skill level of your training as you get fitter and stronger. What worked for you when you first started will not keep you fit and powerful indefinitely.

5.Ignoring the need to rest and recover in between sessions
Training is applying regulated stress to the body in order to induce adaptability. If you don’t receive enough rest and recovery in between sessions or training days, your body won’t be able to solidify the changes and recuperate effectively.

Sports stars like LeBron James, who reputedly spends $1 million per year on equipment like saunas, cryo chambers, and massage, are driving the recovery sector to multibillion-dollar levels. If you don’t have as much money as LeBron, the greatest place to start is obtaining 7-8 hours of sleep per night, as this is when the body releases growth hormones, repairs muscles, and tissues, and solidifies things.

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