Lakshay Narula also popularly known as VJ Laksy, is an Indian TV Presenter but in addition to his entertaining personality, there is – something that not many are aware of.
He says, “Many people believe that IQ is what determined success until researchers found out that people with average IQ outperformed people with Higher IQs 70% of the time, and later it was discovered that EQ [ Emotional Quotient] was the missing link.
We need to understand that emotions are nothing but simply our body’s reaction to what we’re thinking, whether we are thinking on purpose or not, and also that our unconscious thoughts are always running on auto-pilot and often cause emotions and that is exactly why there are so many times that we don’t understand why do we feel the way we do.
Imaginary Suffering is going to the future in IMAGINATION that can cause suffering. The main cause of anxiety is Mental Time Travel. When you have your mind off in “LA-LA Land” while the rest of you is living here, it separates you from the reality of life.
Dreaming of a future experience of joy can make us feel better now, however worrying about anticipated pain or fear in the future makes us experience that suffering now.
He adds, “The most important thing that can UNLOCK your suffering is the present moment. You can only feel free, peaceful, safe, happy, or content NOW. This NOW moment is in fact that all exist.
I remember one of my teachers very well said “The key to an understanding about the ‘future’ is that whenever you think about the future, you experience whatever you EXPECT the future to be NOW.”
Many ways of thinking about the future can cause anxiety and suffering. Thinking about the future can help you now if it feels good. But sometimes thinking about positive things we anticipate in the future can backfire. For most of us having an ‘Untrained Mind,’ it is nearly impossible not to think about what we want in the future without being aware of the fact that it isn’t happening yet. This leaves us feeling impatient and disappointed.
In the end, it all comes down to the recognition of choice, If you become aware, you certainly can choose what makes you feel better at this moment. The choice is yours, and to make the choice is, and always will be NOW.