Normally your working should be in the day time. And most of the offices, banks, and other things work schedule is in day time which is also called office time. Due to regular workday as well as uninterrupted work night shift is unavoidable in many industries. Businesses operate in the night shifts and produce the maximum possible production to meet the demand. But employees who are working at nightshift are at risk of their health. Here we look at a few cons of working night shifts.

Interferes with natural sleep Rhythms.

Sleep is very important for your overall health. While you slumber, your body gets rid of toxins, repairs injury, and also reduces stress. If you work night shifts this process gets disturbed. That can lead to many disorders.

Increase the risk of breast cancer.

Women who work night shifts are at greater risk of contracting breast cancer.

Increase the risk of a heart attack.

Study shows that there is a high risk of heart attack, those who work in night shiftsBeBecausese the change in sleep habits affect blood pressure and blood circulation.

Increase the risk of depression.

Work in night shifts hurts mental health. The risk of depression and mood disorder increases when you work night shifts.

Change your metabolism.

The hormone leptin plays important role in regulating your weight, blood sugar, and insulin levels. Working night shifts interfere with the production and circulation of This vital hormone. This will disturb your metabolism.

Also because of night shifts, you may face many other health issues like obesity, diabetes, gastrointestinal problems like ulcers, and diarrhea. Also, it deprives the body of essential Vitamin D, which is useful for bone health. Overall there are many cons of working in night shifts.